new binance learn and earn quiz anwers 2022 08 04 xrp,lsk,bttc


Q: XRPL is decentralized, permissionless, and open-source
Answer: True

Q: What is the native digital asset on the XRP Ledger?
Answer: XRP

Q: On average, how long does a transaction confirmation on the XRP Ledger take?
Answer: 3 to 5 seconds

Q: What is the XRP Ledger’s validation mechanism?
Answer: Federated Consensus

Q: What can the XRP Ledger be used for today?
Answer: All the correct

Q: What is the average cost of transactions on XRPL?
Answer: Less than 1 cent

Q: Which of the following describes the XRPL?
Answer: All are correct

Q) The XRPL’s built-in DEX is based on an order book model.
Answer: True

Q: The XRP Ledger is useful for developers because.
Answer: They are able to code in Python, Java and JavaScript languages.


Q: Which popular programming language does Lisk support?
Answer: JavaScript

Q: What consensus mechanism does Lisk currently utilize?
Answer: Delegated Proof of Stake

Q: Which token is used within the Lisk Network as a utility token?
Answer: LSK

Q: What is the current development goal for Lisk?
Answer: To enable interoperability within the Lisk ecosystem

Q: How will blockchain applications operate within the Lisk Ecosystem?
Answer: On separate sidechains

Q: What makes Lisk accessible to Web3 developers?
Answer: All are correct

Q: How can users benefit from Lisk’s accessibility?
Answer: All are correct

Q: What can LSK holders do with the token?
Answer: All are correct
[23/08, 15:58] +94 70 261 4779: BTTC✨

Q: “Locked staking” refers to the process of locking your digital assets on a _ for a certain period of time.
A: Proof of Stake blockchain

Q: With Binance Locked Staking, redemption doesn’t require a certain unlocking period. True or false?
A: false

Q: What can you NOT do on Binance Earn?
A: Conduct leveraged trading to amply the returns

Q: Which of the following is a form of passive income?
A: Alice stakes her crypto holdings

Q: What can you do with Binance Earn?
A: Select different products to grow your crypto holdings

Q: What is NOT staking?
A: Generate returns by trading your coins

Q: Once you subscribe to the Locked Staking, interests will be calculated from the following day, and are distributed to your Spot Wallet every day. True or false?
A: true

Q: When the Locked Staking process is complete, the staked assets will be redeemed automatically and returned to your _.
A: spot wallet

Q: Binance Locked Staking’s locking period for different products is the same. True or false?
A: false

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